The Man In the High Castle – Best Title Sequence Ever?

I’m three episodes into Amazon’s The Man in the High Castle, a new series based on a book of the same name by Philip K. Dick. I’m enjoying the alternative history aspects of the drama – it takes place in the 60s and imagines that Hitler’s Germany won the war (they got the A bomb first and dropped it on D.C., which is not unimaginable) and Japan and Germany have divided America.  There’s a resistance movement, the possibility of a future war between Japan and Germany once Hitler dies and is succeeded, a nation of Americans who have accepted the new regimes, a lawless neutral zone in between the two new occupied territories, and a bunch of people running around with Macguffin-like contraband, a fake documentary in which Germany loses the war. This mysterious film  this is supposed to change everything, if only the word gets out.

(That’s not spoiling anything – it’s the premise of the show and it’s all in the first episode. I’m sure there are a lot of twists and turns along the way, but I haven’t gotten there yet.)

The pilot was excellent. The second episode fell off a bit but was still good. The third episode made some missteps (in my view) and has made me worry.  (New bad guy who’s too cartoonish, lead characters start to seem boring.) I’ll give a few more episodes a try. Hey, my commute’s an hour each way sometimes. Time must be killed.

In the meantime, I wanted to suggest that the title sequence might be the best one I’ve ever seen. Beautiful and haunting:

What’s better than that? The D.C. of House of Cards?

I remember enjoying that the first few times – D.C. has never looked better or more like an actual city – but my enthusiasm has faded. I no longer watch the show, either.

The music and images of Mad Men?

Excellent. I’d say it’s number two on my list. For comedies, maybe The Simpsons? Cheers? This one is pretty damn good too:

Great show, great title sequence. Simple but effective.

Now go binge watch something this weekend! Treat yourself!

14 responses to “The Man In the High Castle – Best Title Sequence Ever?”

  1. My wife just recently binged ‘Man in the High Castle’ and liked it quite a bit. I couldn’t get into it.


  2. I saw the trailer for this recently and it looked really good. And I had to read the book in college so now I’m curious to watch it!


    1. I’m thinking about doing this the other way around – checking out the book after I finish the miniseries.


  3. My husband and I binged on “Man in the High Castle” and are now suffering extreme withdrawal. Philip K. Dick’s books translate so well to films, and this one is positively mind blowing. We want more please! And the sooner, the better!


    1. You might get your wish. It seems like the direction we’re headed – one high-quality 10-part miniseries after another. It’s getting to the point where they’re all so good it’s impossible to keep up, which is also kind of nice – no guilt about missing anything.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. If we’re talking about the best opening credits ever, then it has to be Boardwalk Empire:


    1. Yes! I don’t watch the show, but I saw this on a few top-ten lists when I was doing research.


  5. We finished the first series. Unusual, captivating and the 60’s clothes and scenes are excellent.


    1. That’s right – production quality is very high. Amazon doesn’t do everything right, but commissioning high-quality entertainment is a nice development. Easy to renew the Amazon prime fee when you can throw a few can’t-miss shows into the mix.


  6. Hang in there! The episodes for Man in the High Castle get better!


  7. I am curious when House of Cards lost you. I wonder if it was at the same time it lost me.


    1. I can’t remember now – I don’t think I made it through the first season. I just stopped caring, and I found Kevin Spacey to be over the top, which was kind of fun at first, and then just seemed to self-aware. (If I ever return to that show it will be for Robin Wright, who I thought was amazing.) I did like the British version a lot, though.


      1. okay


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