What’s the Craziest Conspiracy Theory You Actually Believe?

The earth is flat, the moon landing never happened, JFK was killed by the mob, Stevie Wonder is not really blind…

There are a lot of bizarre stories out there. Dark tales, urban legends, conspiracies. What’s the wildest one you think might actually be true?

12 responses to “What’s the Craziest Conspiracy Theory You Actually Believe?”

  1. I’m quite skeptical about the moon landing 🙂 not very sure where I stand on the belief spectrum 🙂


    1. Thanks for the comment! I love this one. The reasons I’ve heard mostly have to do with NASA being part of the Defense Department – i.e., that the U.S. faked the moon landing to scare the Russians during the Cold War. I don’t know if they could have pulled it off, but I can easily buy into the idea that they would have wanted to try.


  2. I heard that Obama is not really black……not sure about that, might even ponder it for a sec


  3. The problem with the big conspiracies like the lunar landing is keeping EVERYONE who would have to be involved quiet. Everyone. Nonetheless, they are fun to think about.


    1. Yes, exactly. Hundreds or thousands of people would have known, with no incentive to stay quiet forever.


  4. There is a lot of strong feeling that 9-11 was a conspiracy. There is plenty of ‘analysis’ on the Internet stating that the planes were holograms or military and that the buildings were professionally demolished. The bottom line is, the deaths were not fake. This one makes me a bit angry.


    1. I kind of agree. I’m willing to take a half-step down the paths of most conspiracies, but this one is pretty insulting. Planes were holograms? I haven’t heard that part of it.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I am still trying work out this whole Santa Claus thing.


    1. Yes! This might be the greatest conspiracy of all. Every year, millions of people believe a fiction perpetrated by others in power.


      1. Actually, I believe Santa is an alien rarce who are trying to take over control of our planet. Using advanced transportation technology, cloning, matter teleportation systems to convicne enough people the is a real Santa. So far they’ve been able to take control most of our consumer sales and manufacturing. It won’t be long before they take over the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. Just warning you.


      2. Okay, thanks for the heads up!


  6. Pleasant Street Avatar
    Pleasant Street

    I am suspicious about all the cracker boxes and toilet paper rolls getting small at the same time, all the companies, across the board.


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